Moonville Chronicles Update: 01 Inventory

Hi, Tawi here!

Just wanted to show of this cool inventory art I’ve been spending a lot of time making, currently drag and drop is functional between inventories and added a books for all the different skill and objects you can find in the game, the art for the inside of the books is not done but on its way ^^

I added a little info graphic where you’re able to do item specific actions.

This is currently the inside of the Botany book which dynamically updates with info about all the plants in the game, they are going to cycle between different states of undiscovered, hint and discovered. Dependent on whether or not any npc or books have mentioned anything about the plant or not, then when you pick up the item it changes to discvovered and your botany book updates. The graphic ui here is temporary.

Then there is a tiny little sneak peek for the items I’m working on adding into the game, chest, beehive and crafting table. And course the little pet rabbit.

I hope you all liked the update and look forward to seeing more of the game. I have to go back to gremlin mode now until I come back to reality again!

Have a lovely day, Tawi

Tonje DavidsenUI, Inventory, Update